Sponsor Heartland
Connect with booksellers by supporting Heartland through sponsorship opportunities. With exclusive opportunities, sponsorship is designed to get your unique message in front of booksellers. Download the grid at the right or scroll down to review our options.
Contact Carrie Obry to talk about sponsoring Heartland. |
Anniversary Sponsor
$300, 10 spots available for our 10-year anniversary - FOUR SPOTS REMAINING
Designed for small presses, Anniversary sponsors will be the feature of our Oct 12 opening night party. Join us in celebrating 10 years of Heartland!
Designed for small presses, Anniversary sponsors will be the feature of our Oct 12 opening night party. Join us in celebrating 10 years of Heartland!
- Logo on sponsor webpage and on-site signage and in program
- Logo in one-time e-newsletter “Get to know the Heartland Sponsors”
- Acknowledgement at opening night party on Oct 12
Principal Sponsor
$6,000, one spot available
Focused on the success of independent bookstores. You want to engage in a meaningful way with booksellers by building a strong foundation of support.
Focused on the success of independent bookstores. You want to engage in a meaningful way with booksellers by building a strong foundation of support.
- Logo on all emails, homepage, footer of all website pages, all on-site signage, and in program
- One Booth A exhibitor spot
- Program ad
- Deluxe feature in one-time e-newsletter “Get to know the Heartland Sponsors”
- Banner ad on website for duration of sponsorship
- One author spot at the Author Keynote Breakfast on Oct 14
- Five minutes for representative to speak to all attendees at the Book Awards Celebration on Oct 12 (exclusive!)
Education Sponsor
$5,000, one spot available
Support the backbone of Heartland, championing booksellers as they engage, learn, and grow.
Support the backbone of Heartland, championing booksellers as they engage, learn, and grow.
- Logo on all emails, homepage, education webpage, all on-site signage, and in the program
- Program ad
- Deluxe feature in one-time e-newsletter “Get to know the Heartland Sponsors”
- Banner ad on website for duration of sponsorship
- Two author spots at the Moveable Feast on October 14 (exclusive!)
Major Sponsor
$3,000, two spots available - SOLD OUT
Work with Heartland to achieve a wide range of marketing objectives. Your goal is to generate buzz.
Work with Heartland to achieve a wide range of marketing objectives. Your goal is to generate buzz.
- Logo on homepage, all emails to booksellers, in program, relevant on-site signage, and in the program
- One 8-foot table exhibitor spot
- One free e-blast to entire GLIBA and MIBA memberships (exclusive!)
- Program ad
- Classic feature in one-time e-newsletter “Get to know the Heartland Sponsors”
- Banner ad on website for one month
Event Sponsor
Event opportunities include Bookstore Tour, Rep Around Lunch, Cocktail Hour, Quiz Bowl, Keynote Author Breakfast, and Moveable Feast (see schedule)
Event opportunities include Bookstore Tour, Rep Around Lunch, Cocktail Hour, Quiz Bowl, Keynote Author Breakfast, and Moveable Feast (see schedule)
- Logo on relevant webpage and emails, in program, and on relevant on-site signage
- Logo in one-time e-newsletter “Get to Know the Heartland Sponsors”
- Custom perks for each event
Supporting Sponsor
$1,000, four spots available
Meet booksellers where they are and create connections. Your goal is to talk with booksellers and have real conversations.
Meet booksellers where they are and create connections. Your goal is to talk with booksellers and have real conversations.
- Your logo on homepage, in program, and on relevant on-site signage
- Program ad
- Logo in one-time e-newsletter “Get to know the Heartland Sponsors”
- 5 minutes to address new booksellers at Orientation on October 12 (exclusive!)
Bookseller Scholarship Sponsor
$600, unlimited spots available
Directly support booksellers by sponsoring bookseller travel scholarships.
Directly support booksellers by sponsoring bookseller travel scholarships.
- Your logo on homepage, in program, and on relevant on-site signage
- Logo in one-time e-newsletter “Get to know the Heartland Sponsors”