Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 first annual Heartland Booksellers Award!
2020 Celebration Highlights
Publishers thank Midwest & Great Lakes Booksellers
2020 Heartland Booksellers Award Ceremony
Thank you to our hosts, Isaac Fitgerald, author of How To Be a Pirate, and Ida Cuttler, a bookseller at Women & Children First
Thank you to special guest Hanif Abdurraqib, author of They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us and the upcoming A Little Devil in America
Two Dollar Radio accepts Voice of the Heartland
Congratulations to this year's finalists!
View the full list of finalists on Edelweiss
Download a CSV of finalists for easy upload to Bookshop
Download a spreadsheet or a Word doc with a list of all categories and finalists
Download a CSV of finalists for easy upload to Bookshop
Download a spreadsheet or a Word doc with a list of all categories and finalists